Life of Pi VS Slumdog Millionaire

Comparison between Pi and Jamal:


  • Pi is supported and surrounded by a family that loves him dearly. He lives within a home, attends school and lives a good life. Jamal lives on the streets and does not attend school he lives in a poverty stricken area .
  • in Life Of Pi and Slumdog millionaire they both start out in India. Life of Pi starts in Pondicherry and slumdog millionaire starts out in Mumbai India.
  • Political issues occur in both life of Pi and in Slumdog Millionaire. In life of Pi the political unrest known as the Emergency occurs in the novel this issue causes the Patal family to move to Canada. In Slumdog millionaire  it is the political unrest (same as in life of pi) that results in the death of Jamals mother to the violence, this leaves Jamal and his brother stranded and they become orphans.
  • At some point in the 2 novels both characters end up alone. Jamal and Pi both lost their families


  • Pi’s love is invested in his belief of  3 religions. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Pi has a strong belief in God. His desire for God makes him feel closer to Christ.
  • Jamal fell in love at a young age with a beautiful girl, Latika. Due to his love obsession he will do anything to be with her no matter what the risks and consequences are.

In conclusion, through Pi’s dreadful experience he manages to survive one of the biggest challenge of his life. He attends university and gets married. Pi therefore lives happily ever after. As for Jamal he wins 2 million rupees and also lives happily ever after with the girls of his dreams.


Slumdog Millionaire

Jamal is an orphan that lives in the slums in Mumbai India. Jamal entered the competition ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ and is one question away from the million dollar prize money. There is suspicion that Jamal cheated and he is arrested by authorities and is desperate to prove to the authorities that he didn’t cheat. Jamal tells the authorizes about his life in the slums explaining all the hard-ships that he and his brother had to face, along with the girl that he loved and lost Latika. At the end of each chapter you discover how he answered one of the questions. The one question you ask yourself throughout the book/movie, why does a man with no desire for riches end up on a game show to win money?

Life of Pi

A writer visits a man by the name of Pi in order to write a story about how Pi survived life out at sea. In part one of the book you get to learn about Pi’s life, his family, where he lived, his religion and why his family decided to move to Canada. In part 2 of the book Pi explains how he survived life out at sea with a tiger and how he found support in religion and zoology. The book is based around magic realism and makes you wonder if all these situations actually happened. As the reader you begin to wonder if Pi was really on the boat with a tiger or if the tiger was a representation of Pi himself.



Life of Pi:

The theme of survival is evident in Life of Pi. After the shipwreck, Pi and the animals on the boat begin to fight for their lives. Pi abandoned his vegetarian eating life style and resorted to catching fish and eating them. He had to do this otherwise he would’ve died of starvation. The theme of survival does not only portray in Pi’s behavior, but it also shows in the animal’s behavior. Orange juice fought for her life against a hyena and even though the zebra was terribly injured it still fought for its life against the hyena, it didn’t just give up. At the end of the book the fact the Richard Parker might have resembled Pi in the story is brought to the readers attention. This makes the reader think, what kind of actions are acceptable in a life-or-death situation.

Slumdog Millionaire:

Jamal had to survive without a family in an unfamiliar place and was forced to face the world as a street kid by himself. When he was accused of cheating on who wants to be a millionaire, they tortured him until he explained to them how he knew all the answers, so he was telling them story to save his life, not necessarily from death, but from torture or life in prison. The whole movie is about how he got the answers therefore making survival a main theme.

Narrative Technique:

Life of Pi and Slumdog Millionaire Narrative Techniques:

There are some similarities in the way that both these novels are told. In Life of Pi there are 4 frame narratives; the author, adult pi, young pi and anonymous author. Life of Pi uses the technique of a story told within a story. Slumdog millionaire also uses this frame narrative technique except in the novel the older Jamal retells the story of his childhood as young Jamal.


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